Golan Cipel's
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"Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."
- Aeschylus

When the storm finally passed, I returned to the house where I grew up, to my childhood room.

I felt great pain and personal loss, but at the same time I also felt an incredible sense of freedom and relief. I knew that, though I had lost a lot by fighting back I retained my dignity.

I realized that keeping silent is the worst thing of all. It leaves you with great pain, and allows your enemies to twist the truth and to deceive the public. I've learned that openness, honesty, and a willingness to fight for your principles are vital – though they entail a significant price.

I often wished for the life I had; to be the person I used to be. Standing in my old room, I began to feel like a new person, ready to continue with my life and to carry on. In a way, I knew that the day that I could walk freely on the streets of New York would be the day I could put this ordeal behind me.

In November 2006, almost two years after I left New York , I returned to tell my story to the American people. After granting several interviews to the media I have received overwhelming support, from people on the street, and through messages received from all over the country. I was walking on the streets of New York as a free man, stronger than ever.

Essentially, my story is a call to arms, a challenge to acknowledge and embrace the reality of life in the wake of personal destruction, accepting the truth with all its embarrassment and pain and the uncompromising belief in hope and the prevalence of justice.

Walking on Broadway

On the first day of my visit to New York I heard this beautiful song playing in one of my best friends' apartment. I realized that the song was about the tragedy of September 11 th , written from the perspective of a non American, a visitor to the city. I immediately identified with it. There is a line in the song that speaks about walking on Broadway and the need to carry on with life that captured me and touched me on a personal level.

“Walking on Broadway” was written by a British artist by the name of John Garrison. I thought that the song would fit on my website and my friend Nicola, who happens to be John's manager, agreed to contact him and ask his permission to use the song. John was kind enough to let me use this masterpiece and I'm very thankful for his generosity.

You can learn more about John Garrison at: www.myspace.com/johngarrisonmusic